Women Know Math!

Women Know Math is a song by the Doubleclicks, a band from Portland, Oregon. This image was created as part of a project for the music lyric video - I was among the 50 chosen artists from around the world to participate.

[Women Know Math website]
[Women Know Math video at YouTube]
["Love Problems" on Kickstarter]

Click to enlarge

This image was created in Photoshop and consists of actual homework assignments from my Mechanical Engineering undergrad. These assignments were everything from hand worked derivations, graphs, and sketches to computer aided modeling, both drafting and mathematical modeling calculations. The computer aided drafting is both AutoCAD and CATIA.

Working on this project was exciting to me on many levels. I am very passionate about promoting women in STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math - and take every opportunity to advocate and inspire others.